Travel Hockey: 8U - 18U

Scarsdale Youth Hockey Association (‘SYHA’) and the South Westchester Blackhawks ('SWB') are volunteer-run non-profit organizations both founded in 1996 with the primary goal to provide opportunities for co-ed children aged 6 - 18 in the greater Westchester County area to learn and play ice hockey in a safe, fun, and competitive environment.
Starting in the 2025-2026 travel season, SYHA and SWB have formed a strategic partnership to further grow the sport of ice hockey in Westchester.
Our co-ed travel programs play in the Hudson Valley Hockey League, with our higher skill-level teams playing in Eastern Junior Elite Prospects League (EJEPL) AA and / or at the TB (National Tournament Bound) Level.
Additional details on our travel program (including on 2025 - 2026 tryouts) are below.
2025 - 2026 Tryout Schedule
Note: All tryouts except the Lady Raiders will be held at Westchester Skating Academy
Lady Raider tryouts will be held at EJ Murray's
8U - 12U
Tuesday, March 4
8U: 5:40PM - 6:40PM (WSA)
10U: 6:50PM - 7:50PM (WSA)
12U: 8:00pm - 9:00PM (WSA)
Thursday, March 6
8U: 5:40PM - 6:40PM (WSA)
10U: 6:50PM - 7:50PM (WSA)
12U: 8:00pm - 9:00PM (WSA)
14U-18U (including Lady Raiders)
Tuesday, April 8
16U: 5:40pm - 6:40pm (WSA)
LR: 6:15pm - 7:15pm (EJ Murray)
18U: 6:50pm - 7:50pm (WSA)
14U: 8:00pm - 9:00pm (WSA)
Wednesday, April 9
16U: 5:40pm - 6:40pm (WSA)
LR: 6:45pm - 7:45pm (EJ Murray)
18U: 6:50pm - 7:50pm (WSA)
14U: 8:00pm - 9:00pm (WSA)
Thursday, April 10 (TB / AA Callbacks)
16U: 5:40pm - 6:40pm (WSA)
18U: 6:50pm - 7:50pm (WSA)
14U: 8:00pm - 9:00pm (WSA)
For the 2025 - 2026 season, the age groups are based on the following birth years...
Travel - Co-Ed
2017 - 2020: 8U
2015 - 2016: 10U
2013 - 2014: 12U
2011 - 2012: 14U
2009 - 2010: 16U
2007 - 2008: 18U
Travel - Lady Raiders
TBD (14U+)
Tryout Cost (for all age levels): $100
Actual full 2025 - 2026 season fees will be communicated no later than the time of an offer being extended for a place on a team.
Head coaches for the 2025 - 2026 season will be communicated no later than the time of an offer being extended for a place on a team. See below for link to our current coaches for the 2024 - 2025 season.
Practice and home games locations will vary between Westchester Skating Academy and EJ Murray Memorial Skating Center. The locations of games and practices for teams will be determined once the number of teams and players are known.
Our program runs from late-August to late-March.
We typically break for holidays (e.g., Thanksgiving, Winter Holidays, February School Break) although we offer "stick times" and other skills clinics over these holidays periods for program members.
Teams can expect to practice twice per week.
Full Season - 50 practices per season
Split Season (available at 16U and 18U levels) - 30 practices per season
Teams can expect, on average, two games per weekend (one home and one away game).
Full Season - Approximately 20 home and 20 away games (including tournaments)
Split Season (available at 16U and 18U levels) - Approximately 12 home and 12 away games (including tournaments)
Please wear any jersey to tryouts, though plain white or dark jerseys are preferred.
Once team selections are made, more information regarding game and practice jerseys (as well as assigned numbers) will be provided.
Skill Levels (League Placement)
Team levels will determined following tryout and team selections. SYHA and SWB have teams playing at AA and TB (National Tournament Bound) all the way through HVHL B1.
Teams will typically play in 2 tournaments per season with travel distance typically between 2 and 5 hours from our home area. The specific tournament(s) will be proposed by the team coaches and managers once the skill of the team and the league level has been assessed.
Extra Tournament Costs
Although the organizations subsidize the cost of tournament entry for teams (two tournaments per team per season), there are lodging, transportation and meal costs that will need to be covered by each family.